1. Corrections House – Serve or survive
Disco: «Last City Zero»
Web: https://www.facebook.com/CorrectionsHouse
2. Exxasens – Rocket to the sky
Disco: «Satellites»
Web: http://www.exxasens.com
3. INVSN – Down in the shadows
Disco: «INVSN»
Web: https://www.facebook.com/invsnmusic/
4. Nine Inch Nails – Copy of A
Disco: «Hesitation Marks»
Web: http://www.nin.com
5. Lightning Dust – Loaded Gun
Disco: «Fantasy»
Web: https://www.facebook.com/lightningdustofficial
6. Daft Punk – Get Lucky
Disco: «Random Access Memories»
Web: http://www.randomaccessmemories.com
7. Mazzy Star – California
Disco: «Seasons of your day»
Web: https://www.facebook.com/MazzyStarOfficial
8. Toy – Join the dots
Disco: «Join the dots»
Web: http://toy-band.com
9. Cuzo – Ne Kadar
Disco: «Són imaginacions teves»
Web: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cuzo/103805109655422
10. Black Sabbath – God is dead?
Disco: «13»
Web: http://www.blacksabbath.com
11. Red Fang – Blood like cream
Disco: «Whales and leeches»
Web: http://www.redfang.net
12. Monster Magnet – Last patrol
Disco: «Last patrol»
Web: http://www.zodiaclung.com
13. A Pale Horse Named Death – Shallow grave
Disco: «Lay my soul to waste»
Web: http://apalehorsenameddeath.com
14. letlive. – Banshee (Ghost fame)
Disco: «The Blackest Beautiful»
Web: http://www.thisisletlive.com
15. Dead Letter Circus – Lodestar
Disco: «The Catalyst fire»
Web: http://deadlettercircus.com
16. The Julie Ruin – Of come on
Disco: «Run fast»
Web: http://www.thejulieruinband.com
17. Luscious Jackson – Show us what you got
Disco: «Magic hour»
Web: http://lusciousjackson.us
18. Tiger Bell – Don’t wanna hear about your band
Disco: «Don’t wanna hear about your band»
Web: http://www.tigerbell.com
19. Jake Bugg – What doesn’t kill you
Disco: «Shagri La»
Web: https://www.facebook.com/jakebugguk
20. The Strypes – You can’t judge a book by its cover
Disco: «Snapshot»
Web: http://thestrypes.com
21. Pearl Jam – Mind your manners
Disco: «Lightning Bolt»
Web: http://pearljam.com
22. Mikal Cronin – Change
Disco: «MCII»
Web: https://www.mergerecords.com/mikal-cronin
23. The Thermals – Born to kill
Disco: «Desperate ground»
Web: http://www.thethermals.com
24. Against me! – Fuckmylife666
Disco: «True Trans EP»
Web: http://www.againstme.net
25. North Mississippi Allstars – Goin’ to Brownsville
Disco: «World boogie is coming»
Web: http://www.nmallstars.com
26. The Growl – Douse the lamps
Disco: «What would Christ do??»
Web: http://www.thegrowl.com.au
27. Star Anna – Go to hell
Disco: «Go to hell»
Web: http://www.staranna.com