El tito Henry se estrenará como protagonista en la película "He Never Died", donde interpretará a un caníbal
...œThis is why the script has so much appeal to me,... Rollins explained in an interview with Rolling Stone. ...œHe's just bored of everything. He has to subsist on bags of blood bought from interns that smuggle it out of a local hospital while they're in med school.... Despite the gruesome nature of the role, Rollins jumped at the chance to play a non-sidekick or second-tier character, adding, ...œI'm usually rarely around at the end of a film to be at the wrap party. I rarely survive. I'm usually killed off or eaten by something, or arrested....
Rollins said he has never taken an acting class and instead cites his plentiful life experience (which includes a stint as a Häagen-Dazs assistant manager) for informing his skills as a thespian. ...I just do all this stuff by knowing what I know from being on stage all my life and having material in my head that I bark out onstage for any particular tour,... he explained. ...œDoing all that kind of memorization stuff which I usually do for tours helps with all of this....
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