En el New College Nottingham, el profesor Liam Maloy ha creado el primer curso universitario de Heavy Metal donde te enseñan durante dos años la historia, a componer, el funcionamineto de la industria musical y la relación del estilo con los videojuegos y películas
"In the past, heavy metal has not been taken seriously and is seen as lacking academic credibility when compared with genres such as jazz and classical music. But that's just a cultural construction," Maloy told The Sun.
However, the Campaign For Real Education said: "It might seem an attractive, easy option to some people. But you don't need to do a degree in heavy metal. It's a waste of time."
Maloy responded, "You can study music at Oxford, Cambridge and in cities all over the U.K., but here in Nottingham we wanted to offer something special.
"Nottingham's music industry is becoming stronger each year. Our students aspire to work in metal music marketing, at festivals and as promoters ...” this course will make that happen for them," the course lecturer told the Nottingham Post.
More than 20 students have already signed up for the course, the fees for which from 2013-14 will be £5,750 (approximately $8,753) per year.
George Akins, owner of the Rock City venue in Nottingham, told the Nottingham Post: "I know this will create some interest, but I'm not sure how many people will think you need a degree in heavy metal. I wouldn't want my son doing that."
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