El rubito de Ace of Base era un perla de joven...
Ulf Ekberg, a founding member of Ace of Base, began his career as a neo-Nazi, according to an article by Noisey's Benjamin Shapiro.
Apparently, this information has been "hiding in plain sight" for years, beginning with Ekberg's work in Nazi punk group Commit Suiside. Their lyrics, as translated by Noisey, go something like this: "Men in white hoods march down the road, we enjoy ourselves when we're sawing off niggers' heads/ Immigrant, we hate you! Out, out, out, out! Nordic people, wake up now! Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!"
The band began blasting incredibly offensive lyrics in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1983 before ending in '86. Ekberg and uber political Suiside member Anders Klarström went on to create the Sweden Democrats -- a group that distanced itself from neo-Nazis sentiments.
So why should we care that one of the brains behind karaoke favorite "I Saw the Sign" was a skinhead sympathizer? Because Ulf Ekberg is now an influential businessman.
He currently resides with a marketing company called Result, which has teamed with prominent businesses on the internet and in the automotive industry. Noisey posits that Ekberg may have joined Ace of Base full-time in order to cover his inflammatory tracks.
In a 1997 documentary, "Our Story," the musician supposedly stated that he had moved on from his racist past:
"I told everyone I really regret what I did. I've closed that book. I don't want to even talk about it, that time does not exist in me any more. I closed it and I threw the book away in 1987. I took the experience from it, I learned from it. But that life is not me. It's somebody else."
This quote is often cited, but we at Spinner were unable to find any trace of the film online. For more information, and a list of white-power lyrics from the Ace of Base member, click over to Noisey.
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