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Eddie Vedder les informa que...
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26/01/2012 - 18:58
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Ahora en el aeropuerto de Seattle utilizarán a gente como Eddie Vedder o Jerry Cantrell para los anuncios de megafonía

[quote:3blds4i1][b:3blds4i1]Sea-Tac Airport amps up Northwest music[/b:3blds4i1]
[i:3blds4i1]Next time you go to Sea-Tac Airport, you'll be able to rock on before you take off.[/i:3blds4i1]

Not only that, but you might hear Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder telling you to keep your carry-on and checked baggage in your possession at all times, Heart's Wilson sisters welcoming our military and military families, Alice in Chains' Jerry Cantrell reminding you that smoking is allowed on the lower drive outside the building and only in the designated areas and Sir Mix-A-Lot informing visitors that this region is known for its natural beauty and its music.

The music, celebrity messages and also videos are part of the Sea-Tac Airport Music Initiative, Experience the City of Music, set to start on Saturday. It's a cooperative effort of the Port of Seattle, Seattle Music Commission and Redmond-based PlayNetwork.

"From Jimi Hendrix to the Wilson sisters, Chris Cornell and many others, the Seattle area has a strong music heritage," Port of Seattle Commissioner John Creighton said in a news release. "Over 32 million passengers pass through Sea-Tac Airport each year, giving us a unique opportunity to introduce a new generation of local musicians to travelers and tourists."

Creighton got the idea after visiting the airport in Austin, Texas, Sea-Tac spokesman Perry Cooper said. Sea-Tac will go further than Austin by videos with such diversions as concert footage and trivia, a web-based multi-channel music player available via the airport's free WiFi and an Android app that will feature access to the PlayNetwork music playlist, videos and KEXP concert listings (apps for the iPhone, Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry will come later).

"That's a combination of things that nobody else is doing," Cooper said. The focus on Northwest artists fits with the airport's emphasis on Northwest art and concessions, he said.

One element that Austin has but Seattle won't, to start, is regular live performances, Cooper said.

But there will be bands for Saturday's kickoff, set for 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Gina Marie Lindsey Arrivals Hall at the south end of the baggage claim area. Here's the schedule:

3 p.m. -- Recess Monkey (catchy, energetic kids rock);
4 p.m. -- Carrie Clark & the Lonesome Lovers (roots, Americana, sass-a-frass);
5 p.m. -- Fly Moon Royalty (electro-soul duo);
6 p.m. - Dusty 45's (upbeat rockabilly, swing and jump blues).
Local musicians will also be performing on Sound Transit Link light rail trains from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The station itself will feature a range of Northwest-linked staples, including Hendrix, Ray Charles, Heart, Nirvana and Pearl Jam. But it will also promote such emerging artists as Fences, Beat Connection and Allen Stone.

During a demonstration this week, Hendrix's "Angel" mixed with "Everything is Burning," by Ivan & Alyosha , which was interrupted by a recorded message.

"When this gets started, it won't do this," Cooper said.

A few minutes later, a passenger page broke in on "Little Love Affair," by Patrinell Staten.

"Those kinds of things will interrupt," Cooper said.

The station will play a rotating list of about 100 songs, with new ones approved by representatives of the Port of Seattle, the Music Commission and PlayNetworks.

"We want to make sure that it's music appropriate for all ages," Cooper said.

So, what about Sir Mix-A-Lot's seminal hit, "Baby got Back"?

"That's probably not one that we're going to play," Cooper said.

The airport won't play anything between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., and will start the morning with mellower fare, he said.

People will be able to go on the initiative's website and submit music for potential inclusion.

Speaking of the partners in the effort, Seattle Music Commissioner Marcus Womack said in the news release: "This project has been so much fun to work on because of all the community support and excitement to show off our music culture in such a significant way."

Nadine Zgonc, vice presdient of Client Management for PlayNetwork, said: "We are incredibly proud of our city, and it's an honor to be working on a project that will touch the lives of 80,000 passengers every day."[/quote:3blds4i1]

Mensajes en Foro: 6263
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26/01/2012 - 20:55
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aquí usarían a la pantoja o algo así.. por lo menos podrían usar a POZÍ ahora que ha fallecido...

Mensajes en Foro: 2938
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27/01/2012 - 07:25
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Joer, que ideaka! Me encanta.

Pero si, mejor que no lo hagan aquí, por favor.

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