Y Drowning Pool sin cantante...|GENERAL|Foro|SubNoise.es

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Y Drowning Pool sin cantante...
Mensajes en Foro: 47043
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29/11/2011 - 06:33
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Personalmente creo que Ryan McCombs nunca debería haber dejado Soil

Commented DROWNING POOL guitarist C.J. Pierce: "We have always been a band who has gained success despite having multiple singers... maybe we suffer from reverse 'lead singer's disease.'
Changing things up has not always been easy, but the band has become re-energized time and time again.
We are looking to find a new singer who will give both us, and most importantly our fans, the new adrenaline shot they deserve." He went on to say, "We do wish Ryan great success in his future endeavors."

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12/07/2012 - 07:25
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http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/7710/sgp3.jpgImage Enlarger

El nuevo cantante es Jasen Moreno, de la banda de Dallas The Suicide Hook

Lo podéis ver en acción con la banda aquí


Mensajes en Foro: 47043
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11/12/2013 - 06:25
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McCombs explica por qué dejó Drowning Pool, o al menos lo intenta...

BackstageAxxess.com: Now after so many years playing with DROWNING POOL, what was the reason for your departure from that band?

McCombs: You know, it's just me. I've got like this seven-year itch thing. I was in SOIL for seven years. I was in DROWNING POOL for seven years. I was married for seven years. It just, honestly, I'm a small-town guy. I grew up in a small town in Indiana, and the music industry is a pretty disgusting business. I think any big business is a pretty disgusting business, probably, when you delve into it. The music industry has just a lot of shady people involved in it. I just can't really stomach that type of person and being infested with so much of it. Sometimes you just need to step away and re-energize the old batteries and just get away from it for a little bit; which has happened to me too many times now. You need to step away from it and go back home and remember that people can generally be good, but it just doesn't seem to be an industry that has much of that quality.

BackstageAxxess.com: Do you have any relationship with the guys in DROWNING POOL now? Or did you just go your separate ways?

McCombs: I mean, I don't have any of them in my life that I keep in contact with, but when we see each other, it's fine. We did a few different festivals together since we parted ways, and each time we just had a blast hanging out. The last one we did together, a festival we did this last summer, I'd get up on stage and I did "Bodies" with them at the end of the show and just had a good time. But yeah, we still have a good relationship. We were on the same bus and everything.

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