Es oficial, la formación original de Black Sabbath editarán un nuevo disco. El guitarra Tony Iommi confirmó al Birmingham Mail que el grupo se ha reunido para grabar un nuevo disco y hacer una gira. Iommi y Ozzy Osbourne estuvieron hace un par de meses componiendo juntos lo que serán las canciones de su nuevo trabajo y les ha costado mantenerlo en secreto, especialmente a Ozzy.
[quote:8ocjqlhe]"We're really looking forward to it and I think the stuff we've been writing is really good," said Iommi. "It's more back to the old original stuff. It's all been very hush-hush. Ozzy's been the worst at trying to hold it back. He's doing a lot of TV and he's being asked stuff about a reunion and he's going, 'Well, I never say never.' He told me, 'I don't know what to say."[/quote:8ocjqlhe]
También comentó que una de las cosas que le preocupaba era el estado de salud de Bill Ward, que sufrió un ataque al corazón en 1998.
[quote:8ocjqlhe]"He hasn't been 100 percent. He had an operation a few months ago, so we'll see how he is."[/quote:8ocjqlhe]
puede ser la reunion mas triste de la historia, no me preocupa Ozzy, que esta acabadisimo, me preocupa que coño puede motivar a los demas a reunirse viendo que Ozzy no esta ni para entonar el cumpleaños feliz... miedito
Ahora Iommi dice que no, que es mentira
[quote:1vmig0zc]“I’m saddened that a Birmingham journalist whom I trusted has chosen this point in time to take a conversation we had back in June and make it sound like we spoke yesterday about a Sabbath reunion.
At the time I was supporting the Home Of Metal exhibition was merely speculating shooting the breeze on something all of us get asked constantly, ‘Are you getting back together?
Thanks to the Internet it’s now gone round the world as some sort of ‘official’ statement on my part; absolute nonsense. I hope he’s enjoyed his moment of glory, he won’t have another at my expense.
To my old pals, Ozzy, Geezer and Bill, sorry about this, I should have known better.
All the best, Tony”[/quote:1vmig0zc]
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