Good news for fans of Velvet Revolver: the band has reunited with frontman Scott Weiland. In an interview with ABC News Radio, Weiland says that he's happy to be back making music with the band. ...œWe've all grown a lot,... explains Weiland. ...œWe're able to put egos and differences and old...¦conflicts aside and so that's really cool....
Weiland added that VR has already begun the writing process for their third studio album. ...œThey gave me a couple of songs and myself and [guitarist] Dave [Kushner] and [bassist] Duff [McKagan] are gonna be getting together for a song writing session next week,... reveals Weiland.
In addition, the singer says that VR will soon be hitting the road for a short tour before the end of the year once [guitarist] Slash finishes supporting his second solo album, Apocalyptic Love. ...œSlash's solo album gets released [on May 22] and so he's gonna do some touring on that and then we're gonna go and do some [Velvet Revolver] shows in the later part of summer into early fall....
In other VR news, the band will be releasing a new live DVD on May 25. Titled Let It Roll -- Live in Germany, it documents the band's 2008 performance at the Palladium in Cologne, Germany for the German TV series Rockpalast.
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