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Tool - TBA (2011)
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24/01/2011 - 23:21
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... weno creo k me voy a tirar a la piscina... quizás me equivoque, pero tengo el feeling d k Tool va a sacar su nuevo disco a finales d 2011

por cierto, ya tienen Twitter oficial (y secured):!/Tool

En este post iré poniendo todos los facts k encuentre en la red

por si no lo sabías... TOOL es mi banda favorita... y si, soy uno de los fundadores de

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24/01/2011 - 23:24
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[quote="sularetal":1g0b4ouc]... weno creo k me voy a tirar a la piscina... quizás me equivoque, pero tengo el feeling d k Tool va a sacar su nuevo disco a finales d 2011

por cierto, ya tienen Twitter oficial (y secured):!/Tool

En este post iré poniendo todos los facts k encuentre en la red[/quote:1g0b4ouc]


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25/01/2011 - 06:53
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Twitter, twitter.... follower, follower

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31/01/2011 - 20:30
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weno weno weno... noticias frescas: [No se ha podido encontrar la imagen]

Chatting with Rosie on triple j, band mates Danny Carey and Justin Chancellor were typically cagey when it came to ToolÂ’s first planned release in 5 years.

Even joking that the follow up album to 2006?s 10,000 days should be called “50,000 days”.

However, Carey did admit that while they hope to have the record out [b:38jufvhj]by the end of the year[/b:38jufvhj], they are still yet to decide on a name.

“That’s usually the last thing that happens and we argue about that while we’re making the final master of the record. We don’t even have names for the songs until then.”

por si no lo sabías... TOOL es mi banda favorita... y si, soy uno de los fundadores de

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01/02/2011 - 19:22
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[quote="sularetal":27z7bqax]weno weno weno... noticias frescas: [No se ha podido encontrar la imagen]

Chatting with Rosie on triple j, band mates Danny Carey and Justin Chancellor were typically cagey when it came to ToolÂ’s first planned release in 5 years.

Even joking that the follow up album to 2006?s 10,000 days should be called “50,000 days”.

However, Carey did admit that while they hope to have the record out [b:27z7bqax]by the end of the year[/b:27z7bqax], they are still yet to decide on a name.

“That’s usually the last thing that happens and we argue about that while we’re making the final master of the record. We don’t even have names for the songs until then.”[/quote:27z7bqax]

este año x mis... tiene que caer algo nuevo fijo, si no lo dejaría ya para el 2012 y estos son capaces de tenernos en vilo tanto tiempo.

Por cierto, no tiene tanto que ver pero estaba viendo videos de la gira de aenima (mi disco y tour preferidos) y es que son una pasada... cómo se mueve keenan y la batería de carey no es normal!!!


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01/02/2011 - 19:37
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Anda, si se parece a un famoso viticultor! [No se ha podido encontrar la imagen]

Con esas posturas como podía cantar tan bien el jodío?

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09/05/2011 - 18:56
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Acabo de leer la newsletter mensual de la web oficial de la banda y el webmaster no da muchas pistas...

"[i:irigr6fd]the guys[b:irigr6fd] (Tool)[/b:irigr6fd] are making a lot of headway in the arduous process of jamming, writing, and arranging new material[/i:irigr6fd]"

Le preguntan si ha escuchado algún tema y dice que no, pero que ha visto en la pizarra cómo llevan el trabajo y a pesar de haber hecho una foto, los miembros de la banda no le han dejado subirla...

"[i:irigr6fd]I did, however, see the dry erase board the other night, and even took a photo of the incomplete (Tool) arrangement on it, only to be later told by a band member not to post it. I don't know why, though. It was ambiguous as ever. In fact, any musician would have an easier time deciphering the Voynich manuscript. Even so, I'll go way out on a limb and predict that the new stuff sounds like... Tool. Or at least it WILL once Maynard adds everything that he does to the equation. For truly, that's when all the colored scrawls of chord progressions, time signatures, and other abstruse musical notations on the board become the kind of Tool composition you've become familiar with[/i:irigr6fd]."

eso mientras se divertían viendo al boda Real inglesa (eso dice...)


por si no lo sabías... TOOL es mi banda favorita... y si, soy uno de los fundadores de

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29/05/2011 - 20:49
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pues nada, parece k hasta mayo de 2012 nada...

All right, moving forward. No matter how many new TOOL tunes are currently complete, I will personally guarantee that the new CD will be released on MAY 22, 2012 (or MAY 15, 2012). And unlike that old f**k rattling the shingles with his cauliflower and mini-Cheddars flatulence, my calculation is not based on some preposterous coded Biblical numerology. Instead, it comes from a credible source who, himself, obtained the information via trance-contact (which was written down on a scratch pad) from an interplanetary avatar (and sector commander) named ZEMKLA JR. from the city of Farlon on the planet Selo (in the Bernard's Star System).

por si no lo sabías... TOOL es mi banda favorita... y si, soy uno de los fundadores de

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29/05/2011 - 22:34
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Mensajes en Foro: 6263
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30/05/2011 - 07:48
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no creo que podamos escucharlo, se acaba el mundo..." <!-- sEmbarassed --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt="Embarassed" title="Embarassed" /><!-- sEmbarassed --> <!-- sLaugh --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt="Laugh" title="Laughing" /><!-- sLaugh --> <!-- sEmbarassed --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt="Embarassed" title="Embarassed" /><!-- sEmbarassed -->

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30/05/2011 - 08:37
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creo que no hay cosa que les de mas pereza a tool que ser tool... me explico,,, a mas de uno de los 4 miembros les toca los huevines ponerse a trabajar en la banda

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30/05/2011 - 12:30
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[quote="Pro-Noise":3rwdcihj]creo que no hay cosa que les de mas pereza a tool que ser tool... me explico,,, a mas de uno de los 4 miembros les toca los huevines ponerse a trabajar en la banda[/quote:3rwdcihj]

en eso estoy algo de acuerdo... pero al final lo consiguen y sacan joyitas. Debe de ser una relación amor-odio. Nunca lo sabremos...

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30/05/2011 - 12:32
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Si Maynard quiere seguir jugando a ser viticultor más le vale seguir sacando discos

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27/10/2011 - 10:21
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Maynard ha dicho que en estos momentos está centrado en sus proyectos y les está dejando espacio a Adam Jones y Danny Carey para hacer sus cositas, y que de momento todavía están trabajando en las ideas

[quote:1d2jss9r]"I'm allowing them their space to do what they do, so we're still in that mode. Even if they told me how close they are to being done, I couldn't tell you because if I say 60 percent people will start counting down. When it's done everyone will know. But I haven't done anything yet. They write forever and then we go in and knock it all out. We're writing. We're writing vocals. But nothing's solid. With PUSCIFER, there's ideas and then we'll record stuff . . . But with TOOL, we practice jams, but there's no actual recording going on until it's time to record."[/quote:1d2jss9r]

También ha dicho que no piensa en el grupo a la hora de componer porque depende de quien lo toque ya sonará diferente...

[quote:1d2jss9r]"It could be the exact same rhythm or exact same melody, it's just going to end up being what it's going to be no matter where it lands. It's going to be different, just because it's going to be a different set of people interpreting it. So it doesn't really matter. No things are designated one way or the other, just whatever ends up coming up in the conversations with those musicians is what it ends up being."[/quote:1d2jss9r]

Y que girarán, pero que las giras serán más cortas que ya no está para trotes

[quote:1d2jss9r]"Physically, I can't do it, so that's not gonna happen. We will tour, but it won't be the old-school dog-and-pony show of eight months of beating yourself to death."[/quote:1d2jss9r]

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01/12/2011 - 20:35
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Señores, Tool están en el estudio con Joe Barresi, regocigemosnos!

[quote:1ehlmwbq]“At a time when the headlines are dominated by frenzied Amish beard clippers, whooping cough and Occupy Wall Street (Forget that – how about Occupy the Playboy Mansion, all you 69 per centers!), rather than discuss the thawing permafrost, Sandusky, or baffling Gamma ray bursts, how about some exciting TOOL-RELATED NEWS…
That’s right – while most of you were still digesting your Thanksgiving bird, highly acclaimed recording engineer and producer (not to mention vintage candy aficionado!) ‘Evil’ Joe Barresi was seated at the mixing console in the band’s home studio – the only evidence of the holiday being a bowl of pumpkin-pie cheesecake Kit Kats that was placed there by one of the girls from Tool’s business management.

Believe it! Hours after your cranberry sauce was still jiggling, members of the band had gathered at the loft to begin tracking. For the sessions, the place looked like a gear-junkie’s wet-dream, and with the ‘evil’ one deftly punching in bars on the remote control, as the night wore on, song after song -in all their musical complexity – were being captured on tape (Yes, tape! For this record, a Studer A827 “Gold Edition” analog tape recorder had been trucked in.) By the time of my much-anticipated arrival on Tuesday, almost all of the tracks were finished, as were the holiday confections.
With the loft now littered with empty Tommy’s burger wrappers and spent cans of Red Bull, as guitar riffs processed through an antique Echoplex wailed over the KRKs, stories were being told about Danny recently making a daring escape in his orange Lambo from Mastros steakhouse in Beverly Hills (where a side of lobster mashed potatoes goes for $30.00) – the entire thing caught by TMZ’s cameras… although the crowd cheers are probably still lying on the proverbial cutting room floor. And now, with you being down to your last leftover turkey sandwich, with but a few overdubs to add, you can bet that the boys will be back at it tonight…

But what about TOOLÂ’s new album, you ask? Are they still making progress with the writing and arranging sessions? Will they be working during the holidays as a Gamma ray-mutated pterosaur tramples on foreclosed gingerbread houses? Absolutely! (for the quintillionth time), only with a festive pear-cinnamon cider replacing the Volto! Red Bulls.
Actually, I’ve even seen part of a video from the band’s next record – albeit this occurred during a strange time-slip that I recently experienced while pushing a shopping cart down one of the aisles at my local Ralphs (a place where cracks in paratime somehow seem to happen regularly). While looking for *********, I saw some guy wearing a programmable display (UV) TOOL ‘video’ tee-shirt.

Glancing at it, I could hear the haunting sonic structure of one of the new songs accompanied by the bizarre, vibrant, Adam Jones imagery (yes, on the soft, flexible ‘screen’ material – which, of course, was made from the best quality cloth-plants). Wait a quark-flipping minute! Had I pushed the screeching cart many years into the future? Entranced by the dude’s shirt, I watched as purplish amoeba-like things with a tangle of feelers morphed into intensely-colorful creatures.
These were frightening, writhing chimeras and other mind-boggling bio-oddities of a demented (er… creative) mind. Were these some kind of “Saucer Wisdom” inspired piezoplastic receivers transmitted from Adam’s thought-forms, or had he simply recorded one of his favorite nightmares?

(Had one of the band members themselves appeared in the video, I would have checked to see if any hair was blowing in the wind – just one of several tell-tale signs of a recorded dream.) Either way, how amazing were the images! (Cooler than watching a night janitor at McDonalds on fully charged quantum dot batteries in the flicker of strobe lights).
As I continued to observe the bedizening mental cartoons – snippets of some intricately detailed hyper-animation – I noticed that the guy wearing the Tool shirt was NOW accompanied by band-member semblances (decoy band-member semblances, I wondered?) Recognizing me, the Danny ‘semblance’ raised a half-full polyglass of some glittering black eagletail. As I was about to acknowledge this wonderful example of encrypted electromagnetic vibrations, I quickly found myself back at the Ralphs of November, 2011 e.v.

And guess what happened next? You guessed it. I’ve heard of MIB types attempting to eat their green Jell-o with a straw, or even sticking a fork into a glass of Dr. Pepper. Hell, I’ve even seen one of the black hat boojums pay for a Whopper at Burger King with a handful of gleaming silver dollars – not to mention the dude who ordered a “Coke and Olives” at my neighborhood pub. But what this MIB-type did was really a dead giveaway.
How so? Well, while at the checkout counter, along with his groceries, ‘he’ PURCHASED (there on the spot) Ralphs gift cards for $20.00 each (PLUS activation fees), which he wanted to use to pay for everything. Noticing the puzzled look on the cashier’s face, I quickly left my stuff on the counter and hurried out of the place… wanting desperately to get back to my enchanted green ball… I mean, to my apartment…

Finally, to address all those Tool tour rumors. A few days ago, I met with the bandÂ’s management in order to discuss this very thing. Although I wasnÂ’t sure if there was any validity to the rumors, I nevertheless told their manager that a small winter tour might not be such a bad thing. However, given my age, I didnÂ’t think that IÂ’d be able to attend too many shows as a guest (at least, I wouldnÂ’t be able to attend them with the same vigor that I used to).

I certainly didn’t want to travel on the tour bus, as the bunks hurt my back. Also, my excessive snoring might keep some of the early riser band members awake at night (particularly Danny and Justin). And then there’s the issue of the bad weather – both here and in Europe. Some dates in Australia would be okay, but with the recent discovery of an albino trapdoor spider in the land DownUnder, I’d have to rule that out, too. Perhaps some shows in the southern states might be best. Maybe even Texas?
How about just a show or two right here in Los Angeles? That would certainly make things easier for me. I might even be able to party like I used to in the good old touring days. Better yet, still, what about an electromagnetic radiation transmitted (as theorized by Rudy Rucker, among others) – reconstituted/manifested Tool concert (including personality wave guests with all-access laminates) anywhere on the entire planet? Now, that would be great!.. Especially with those programmable display tee-shirts available at the Merch booth… “[/quote:1ehlmwbq]

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02/12/2011 - 11:44
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[quote="subpop":1vn3ofrl]Señores, Tool están en el estudio con Joe Barresi, regocigemosnos!

Gracias por el resumen, tio. Menuda pereza me daba leerme ese ladrillo [No se ha podido encontrar la imagen]

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02/12/2011 - 11:47
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[quote="SoundDestruct":1nrbrn5a][quote="subpop":1nrbrn5a]Señores, Tool están en el estudio con Joe Barresi, regocigemosnos!

Gracias por el resumen, tio. Menuda pereza me daba leerme ese ladrillo [No se ha podido encontrar la imagen][/quote:1nrbrn5a]

no se pq me da q vaa ser el último disco de tool como banda.

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02/12/2011 - 14:48
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Pues donde digo Diego... No son a Tool a los que vieron en el estudio sino a Volto, el otro proyecto de Danny Carey

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13/12/2011 - 22:03
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Lo que sí han anunciado son nuevas fechas de concierto para enero

2012 Winter Tour
Jan 14 Reno, NV Reno Events Center
Jan 17 Tucson, AZ Tucson Arena
Jan 18 Albequerque, NM Tingley Coliseum
Jan 20 Grand Prairie, TX Verizon Theater
Jan 24 Toledo, OH Huntington Center
? Jan 25 Toronto, ON ACC
? Jan 26 London, ON JLC
Jan 29 Camden, NJ Susequehanna Bank Center
Jan 31 Uncasville, CT Mohegan Sun Arena
? Feb 8 Duluth, GA Gwinnett Arena

por si no lo sabías... TOOL es mi banda favorita... y si, soy uno de los fundadores de

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14/12/2011 - 18:15
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20 años de "Opiate" ya!


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