Thrice se toman un descanso|GENERAL|Foro|

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Thrice se toman un descanso
Mensajes en Foro: 47109
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21/11/2011 - 17:19
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Dustin Kensrue ha hecho el siguiente comunicado:

[quote:1docgb8m]"Thrice is not breaking up. If nothing has broken us up by now, I doubt anything ever could. However, we will be taking a break from being a full-time band, and the upcoming tour in the Spring will be the last one in the foreseeable future. Playing music for the past 13 years with Riley, Ed, and Teppei has been such a gift. We have been able to see the world, share music with thousands and thousands of people, and make records with a variety of talented and inspiring people. The four of us have been through many highs and lows and overcome them together. I value their friendship, and it has been a great priviledge to play alongside them for so long. They are truly an amazingly gifted group of people, and the ways weÂ’ve grown together as people and musicians has been a joy to experience. Along the way we have adapted to many changing situations, especially the growing families of both Teppei and myself, but it has been harder and harder for me with each step. I have three little girls now under the age of 5, and it is a huge strain on my family and I when IÂ’m away for several weeks at a time. The way weÂ’ve been doing things for a while is simply not sustainable for me anymore. I donÂ’t know what the future looks like for Thrice, or for any of us individually. I do know that I would love to make more music in the future with them, as well as play some shows or short tours, but for the time being, I need to step out of the role of full time touring/recording musician, and will do so after this tour. I will continue to make music in various capacities IÂ’m sure, and continue in my work as a Worship Director at Mars Hill Church in Orange County. I know this will be very disappointing news to many people, and for that I am truly sorry. The amount of support and love weÂ’ve been given in our career is staggering and overwhelming. I know IÂ’m biased, but I think we have the best fans in the world. This upcoming tour should be a lot of fun. We are planning for it to be somewhat of a celebration of the last 13 years and IÂ’m sure weÂ’ll be breaking out a bunch of songs that have been buried in the archives. I hope to see you out there to celebrate with us. I never expected to be able to do any of this, let alone do it for 13 years, with such amazing bandmates, such gifted and hard working crew and management, and such incredible and loyal fans. Thank you all."

Mensajes en Foro: 6263
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21/11/2011 - 17:57
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pero si acaban de sacar un disco!

Mensajes en Foro: 47109
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21/11/2011 - 22:23
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Llevaban tiempo sin sacar nada, no? Yo creo que esto debe de ser como la pareja que tiene un hijo para arreglar sus problemas matrimoniales. Al final no arreglas nada y ni el hijo ni los fans tienen la culpa y se quedan jodidos

Precisamente hoy escuchaba el último disco de Thrice que no está nada mal

Mensajes en Foro: 941
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Desconectado
25/11/2011 - 01:06
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han sacado 4 discos en los ultimos 4 años

amo a esta banda pero no le s vendra mal tomarse un receso

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