El 14 de mayo tendremos a la venta el nuevo trabajo de The Dillinger Escape Plan, titulado "One of us is the killer"
...œWords can't describe the feelings right now as we begin to present this album to you today. There are a million different things we'd probably like to say, to one another and to all of you, but pages couldn't contain. So here you go. To everyone that's been on this ride for a while, thank you, and to everyone just getting onboard, welcome. We're grateful for the ability to express ourselves artistically, to be able to release a piece of our souls through music and words, and we're proud that any of you can relate to our expression or get something out of it in any way...¦that our band and what we do means anything at all to you.
- The Dillinger Escape Plan...œ
Aquí tenéis un tema de adelanto...
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