Podríamos hacer fotos...
[quote:aop0ruvr]In an effort to allow you to document your experience at the upcoming NIN/JA performances, we will be relaxing our photo/video policy (5/7/09 - 6/12/09 only). Fans will be permitted to bring in their personal cameras, video and audio recorders. This is not not an open door policy for any and all recording devices. Please try to use common sense as we are trying to ensure this experience is great for everyone attending. Don't show up with a television crew and a recording studio.
To be clear: this applies only to the North American NIN/JA tour.
I have a nice SLR camera and lens and I want to shoot photos. YES.
I have a high-quality camcorder and want to record video / audio. YES.
I have a shoulder-mounted broadcast-quality video camera and want to shoot the show. NO.
I have a flash-based audio recorder with a stereo hand-held mic and want to record the show. YES.
I have a full Pro-Tools rig running off a generator and want to record the show. NO.
I don't have any recording devices but I'd kind of like to make out with Ilan. NO (probably).
The following guidelines will be enforced.
- Photo and video access is granted only for non-commercial private use.
- Photo and video access is limited to areas permitted by type of ticket held.
- NO access to barricade/photo pit.
- NO shoulder mounted video equipment allowed, all cameras must be hand held.
- NO equipment with a dimension longer than 20 inches (including cameras, lenses, etc.)
- NO equipment bags that violate existing venue bag policies (check with venue)
- NO external supports (tripods, monopods, steadicam mounts, mic stands, etc.)
- NO video or audio broadcast equipment (microwave, RF, etc.)
- NO external power equipment
- NO lighting equipment (mounted or secondary)
If you plan to take advantage of this relaxed policy, we recommend that you
do the following...
- Carefully review your equipment to ensure it meets these specs.
- Arrive early for possible security delays.
- If your equipment is so expensive and/or fragile that you'd freak out if something happened to it, leave it behind, we're not responsible.
- Do not interfere with anyone else's enjoyment of the show or create a hazard.
We will do our best to make sure venue security staff is aware of our camera policy. However, there are always going to be cases where local security misunderstands and attempts to enforce a stricter camera policy. This is unfortunately one of the hazards of attempting to be considerably more open about recording than most of the concert industry. If a security guard hassles you for equipment that is allowed under our guidelines, please ask him to speak with NIN security about the matter and we will do our best to resolve it.
Audio and video recorded at NIN/JA shows is for personal use only, and cannot under any circumstances be sold or used for profit in any way.[/quote:aop0ruvr]

De todas formas, parece que no vendrán por aquí. Pude leer en su twitter que les quedaban 5 fechas europeas por confirmar. Luego confirmó 3 de ellas (Rumania, Portugal y Francia), y de las otras 2 todavía no se sabe nada. Vamos, que sólo quedan 2 fechas por confirmar, así que no hay demasiadas posibilidades, diría yo.
PD: para los optimistas, de esas 5 fechas, 2 son en nuestros paises limítrofes [No se ha podido encontrar la imagen]
Creo que cuando lei eso de las cámaras, era solo para la gira americana.
Lo de las dos fechas, muy cierto, pero por lo que me comenta una superfan del grupo, es muy complicado (ella esperaba que tocaran en el BBK bilbao live, pero solo sería posible el 10)
Una pena si no vienen, teniendo en cuenta que NIN puso una fecha más (Bilbao) en la anterior gira debido a la demanda
1 Invitado(s)