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Rob Caggiano deja Anthrax
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05/01/2013 - 10:00
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Tras muchos años con ellos, el guitarra ha decidido abandonar el grupo

"I'm extremely proud of my time in ANTHRAX. Actually, that's an understatement! We accomplished so many great things together over the years and I shared some of the best times of my life with these guys. As a band, we also weathered quite a few storms along the way. It's been a wild ride (to say the least) from Day One and I wouldn't change one single thing about the last 12 years.

This is an extremely difficult and emotional decision for me to make, but my heart is just steering me in a different direction right now. I've always been one to follow my heart in everything that I do and while this might be one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make, it feels like the right one for me at this time. Scott [Ian, guitar], Charlie [Benante, drums], Joey [Belladonna, vocals], Frankie [Bello, bass] (and [former ANTHTRAX singer] John Bush) will always be part of my family and this decision doesn't change the way I feel about that in the slightest. I would also like to say thanks to all the amazing fans I've met and hung out with worldwide over the years. You guys always were and always will be the reason why I make music!

In this day and age, being a musician isn't always easy ...” also an understatement ...” but the fans truly make it worthwhile for me. I hope to see each and every one of you again really soon. The fact that ANTHRAX is at the top of their game right now and totally 'out for blood' after all these years is a testament to this band's longevity and conviction! I'm truly honored to have been a part of their brilliant legacy."

El grupo ha anunciado en un comunicado que ya están buscando un substituto...

...œRob has been an integral part of Anthrax for so many years, as our lead guitarist, in a production capacity, but most of all, as our close friend. His contributions to the band have been enormous. While we are sad that he is leaving, we wish him nothing but great success going forward, and hope to share the stage with him again sometime down the road.
With the Metal Alliance Tour on the horizon, we have been considering several lead guitarist options, and will be making an announcement on that shortly.

ANTHRAX - Charlie Benante, Scott Ian, Frank Bello, Joey Belladonna...œ

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05/01/2013 - 13:29
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normal.. yo tmb ECHO MUCHO DE MENOS A JOHN BUSH!!!

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04/02/2013 - 14:01
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Acaba de fichar por Volbeat, llámalo tonto...

"The band is very proud and happy to announce that he will also be the new guitar player in VOLBEAT. The collaboration with Rob in the studio was so inspiring and in good spirit that we the decided to keep him. Basically we went into the studio as a three-piece and came out as a whole band!..., Michael Poulsen

"Wow! I have to say I'm completely blown away by the turn of events over the last few weeks here in Denmark and at this point an update is definitely in order.

To start with, I came to Denmark about a month ago to produce the new VOLBEAT record which in and of itself has been an incredibly exciting adventure from a producer's perspective thus far. However, I'm extremely happy to say my relationship with these guys will not end there as it turns out... it's just beginning!

Michael had asked me on the phone before I got out here if I would play some guest solos on the new album in addition to my other duties, and, of course, I was thrilled about that and agreed to do so. When I actually got to Denmark and started going through the material, this turned out to be so much more than that.

After weeks of collaboration between Michael and I, it became quite clear that we had an amazing creative chemistry together and a huge mutual respect for one another.

It's so refreshing and inspiring to be creative again on a songwriting level that words can't even describe it and the vibe between Anders, Jon, Michael and I is just awesome. I'd say an artistic relationship like this one is very rare and it's also something I don't take for granted.

When the guys asked me if I was interested in joining VOLBEAT the other day, my jaw just about hit the floor! It actually didn't even register in my brain properly until the next morning, but I gotta say, it also didn't take me long to decide. It really isn't the way I envisioned the rest of my year to play out but at the same time, THIS feels more 'right' to me than anything I could have possibly imagined and I'm going for it!

To all my fans, family, friends and overall supporters that have reached out to me over this last month wondering if I'm ever gonna play guitar again or what I'm up to in general etc., see you all soon my friends and get ready for a wild ride!!!", Rob Caggiano

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04/02/2013 - 14:37
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peligroso... se puede cargar el rollito de volbeat o mejorarlo. Veremos qué sale de todo esto

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23/02/2013 - 00:04
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En la zona de vídeos encontraréis el primer concierto de Anthrax sin Caggiano, y aquí... La primera actuación de Caggiano con Volbeat

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