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RIP Ravi Shankar
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12/12/2012 - 07:30
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Descansa en paz sitar hero!

Sitar maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar passed away in San Diego, the Ravi Shankar Foundation announced on Tuesday. He was 92.

The legendary musician and composer had suffered from upper-respiratory and heart issues over the past year and underwent heart-valve replacement surgery last Thursday. Though the surgery was successful, recovery proved too difficult for musician, the foundation said in a press release.

He is survived by his wife Sukanya; daughter Norah Jones; daughter Anoushka Shankar Wright and husband Joe Wright; 3 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren.

Ms. Sukanya and Ms. Wright were at his side when he passed away.

In recent months, performing, and especially touring, became increasingly difficult for the musician. However, health couldn't prevent Shankar from performing with his daughter, sitarist Anoushka Shankar Wright, on November 4 in Long Beach, California, the release said. This, in what was to be his final public performance, was in fact billed as a celebration of his tenth decade of creating music, it added.

He was active as a professional musician till the end and was one of the contenders for the next Grammys.

...œIt is with heavy hearts we write to inform you that Pandit Ravi Shankar, husband, father, and musical soul, passed away today,... Ms. Sukanya and Ms. Wright, said in a separate statement.

...œAs you all know, his health has been fragile for the past several years and on Thursday he underwent a surgery that could have potentially given him a new lease of life.

...œUnfortunately, despite the best efforts of the surgeons and doctors taking care of him, his body was not able to withstand the strain of the surgery. We were at his side when he passed away,... the joint statement said.

...œWe know that you all feel our loss with us, and we thank you for all of your prayers and good wishes through this difficult time. Although it is a time for sorrow and sadness, it is also a time for all of us to give thanks and to be grateful that we were able to have him as a part of our lives. His spirit and his legacy will live on forever in our hearts and in his music,... they said in the joint statement.

A recipient of Bharat Ratna in 1996, Shankar maintained residences in both India and the United States.

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