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Es la banda de dibujos animados formada por:
Voz – Frankie Perez (Scars On Broadway/Camp Freddy)
Guitarra – Dave Kushner (Velvet Revolver)
Bajo – Scott Shriner (Weezer)
Batería – Joey Castillo (Queens Of The Stone Age)
Dave Warren, director creativo de Los Simpsons, será quien de forma al grupo. Su primer single, “Count Me Out”, aparecerá en la banda sonora de Los Vengadores y lo podéis escuchar aquí
Según Kushner:
“A lot of it has been based on different stuff that has happened to me or stuff I’ve heard being in Velvet Revolver for eight years. It’s basically about a big, notorious rock band, and there’s a new guy that’s coming into the band.
You’re basically seeing all of the dysfunction and insanity, and the things that make for great rock bands through the eyes of the new guy.”
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