Scotty Hill ha dicho que de reunión nada...
...œHey, man, I thought those guys looked adorable together; they would have made a cute couple. They ran into each other and took a picture together, and I would have done the same thing. I mean, I spoke to Sebastian earlier this year; there was just no way to take a picture of it. And we talked about something non-band-related. It was cool catching up, and I'm sure it was cool for those guys, too. So it wasn't any surprise to me, and I also wasn't surprised about the hype over it and everybody going crazy about the future and all that stuff.
...œHey, man, the future is we're going in to record some new Skid Row in November next month, man. With [current, far shittier Skid Row singer] Johnny Solinger, of course. So I don't have a scoop for you, man. Sorry!...
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