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http://www.impre.com/la-gente-dice/view ... 4978887367
[quote:2fxw47jv]El sello Matador Records confirmó en un comunicado de prensa que "los músicos Kim Gordon y Thurston Moore, casados en 1984, anuncian que se separan. Sonic Youth, con Kim y Thurston involucrados, procederán con su gira suramericana programada para noviembre. Los planes más allá de esa fecha son inciertos. La pareja pide respeto por su privacidad y no desea hacer más comentarios al respecto".[/quote:2fxw47jv]
Lee Ranaldo tiene esperanzas en que el grupo seguirá adelante
[quote:2ojrf7dd]"I'm feeling optimistic about the future no matter what happens at this point. I mean, every band runs its course. We've been together way longer than any of us ever imagined would happen and it's been for the most part an incredibly pleasurable ride. There's still a lot of stuff we're going to continue to do. There's tons and tons of archival projects and things like that that are still going on, so there are so many ways in which we are tied to each other for the future both musically and in other ways."[/quote:2ojrf7dd]
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