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Pink Metal: Mick Jagger, el bisabuelo del rock
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25/11/2013 - 07:13
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Assisi, la hija de la hija de Mick Jagger, Jade Jagger, está embarazada...

Mick Jagger to become a great-grandfather at 70
Rolling Stones frontman's daughter Jade Jagger confirms that her daughter Assisi is due to give birth early in 2014

First there was dad rock, , but now Sir Mick Jagger is to enter the unchartered waters of great grandad rock.

The 70-year old singer will follow in the footsteps of one of his blues heroes, BB King, as part of a tiny band of rock'n'rollers to lead a four-generation clan when he and his first wife Bianca Jagger, a human rights campaigner, celebrate the milestone in the new year. In an interview with the Sunday Times, their daughter, Jade Jagger, confirmed that her daughter Assisi, 21, is due to give birth early in 2014. She said the multimillionaire Rolling Stones frontman is taking it in his stride.

"I think making Mick a grandfather obviously had a big impact whereas, now, making him a great-grandfather is no longer particularly fascinating," Jade Jagger said. "My dad has always been great at keeping the family together and having those important moments - Christmas parties, his birthday. We'll be spending New Year's Eve together, nearly all of us [in Mustique]."

Mick Jagger has seven children, one with Bianca, four with his second wife, Jerry Hall, one with Marsha Hunt and another with Luciana Morad. He has four grandchildren - two through Jade Jagger and two through Karis Jagger-Hunt, his daughter with Hunt.

The Rolling Stones -all of whom are grandparents - celebrated 50 years as a band this year playing at Glastonbury festival for the first time. There are no signs they are ready to stop touring and last week they announced they would re-open the Adelaide Oval in Australia in March 2014 in front of 70,000 fans.

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