Ozzy y Zakk Wylde parten peras|GENERAL|Foro|SubNoise.es

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Ozzy y Zakk Wylde parten peras
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17/07/2009 - 12:30
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Y están pensando en johnny 5 como substituto


[b:2h5ybtk9]"My Stuff Was Starting to Sound too much like Black Label Society" [/b:2h5ybtk9]

Classic Rock caught up with OZZY OSBOURNE last week at the SLASH & FRIENDS gig in Norway, where the whispers backstage had guitarist John 5 (ex-MARILYN MANSON, currently with ROB ZOMBIE) lined up as a possible replacement for Zakk Wylde.

“Well, I’m getting a new guitar player as we speak,” said Ozzy, “and everyone has been saying to me for a long time, ‘Get Johnny 5!’ And I tried him at one time and I didn’t really give him a chance. We’ll see, I don’t know. I haven’t fallen out with Zakk, but Zakk’s got his own band, and I felt like my stuff was beginning to sound like BLACK LABEL SOCIETY. I just felt like I wanted a change, y’know?

“I’ve got a guy from Greece coming in – not the musical, the country of Greece – but I’m not going to say too much about it, cos I don’t know myself at this point. I’ve got a new album, I’m working on it as we speak. I’ve got a studio at my house and I’ve got a guy called Kevin Churko, the guy that did the last album – he’s great to work with.

“And it’s great to have your own studio. On one hand it’s great and on the other it’s not, cos when you’re at the studio you can go, ‘Sorry darling, I can’t get home for dinner, I’m stuck at the studio…’ But she can fucking come down stairs now! But I’m just enjoying my life now…”

So youÂ’re taking it easy recording this album?

“Oh yeah. Zakk came down and did a bunch of stuff and I don’t know if I want to use it but I’ve got it there if I do. And this Kevin Churko is a bit of an all-rounder so I’m getting back to basics in some respects. One thing about a guy who can’t do all the finger-tapping stuff is that he plays better on the riffs cos it’s not all [hums riff for 'Iron Man' followed by over-the-top widdling].”

Mensajes en Foro: 6263
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Desconectado
17/07/2009 - 16:55
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muy raro pero bueno así se concentra más y mejor en los grandísimos BLS y vienen a espein

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