Los estrenaron este mismo domingo
El setlist del concierto que dieron en el Norwich Waterfront fue el siguiente:
01. Bareback
02. Black Shuck
03. Growing On Me
04. Get Your Hands Off My Woman
05. One Way Ticket
06. Nothing's Gonna Stop Us
07. Love Is Only A Feeling
08. Is It Just Me?
09. Concrete
10. Cannonball
11. Stuck In A Rut
12. Givin' Up
13. Friday Night
14. I Believe In A Thing Called Love
15. Love On The Rocks With No Ice
El nuevo disco se titulará "Hot cakes" y contendrá los siguientes temas:
'Every Inch Of You'
'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us'
'With A Woman'
'Keep Me Hangin' On'
'Living Every Day Blind'
'Everybody Having A Good Time'
'She Just A Girl Eddie'
'Forbidden Love'
'Street Spirit (Fade Out)' <-- Versión de Radiohead
'Love Is Not The Answer'
Speaking about the album, Justin Hawkins said: "'Hot Cakes' has a nice raw feel to it like the first album had, with occasional luxurious moments akin to the second. We're proud of the songs and we can't wait for people to hear them."
He continued: "We've been playing a lot of the material from the album in the live set for some time now. Each time we play a new song it feels like a deep powerful thrust in a frenzied love ritual between us and our fans."
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