"New Tradition" será el título del segundo disco de Dark New Day, el grupo formado por Clint Lowery (guitarra; SEVENDUST), Corey Lowery (bajo; ex-STEREOMUD, STUCK MOJO), Brett Hestla (voz, guitarra; ex-CREED, VIRGOS MERLOT), Will Hunt (batería; EVANESCENCE, ex-SKRAPE, TOMMY LEE) y Bradley "BC" Kochmit (guitarra; SWITCHED a.k.a. SW1TCHED)
Saldrá el 28 de febrero a través de Goomba Music.
Estos son los temas que compondrán el disco:
01. Fist From The Sky
02. Come Alive
03. I Don't Need You
04. New Tradition
05. Tremendous
06. Sorry
07. Straightjacket
08. Take It From Me
09. Caught In The Light
10. Sunday
11. Fiend
12. Breakdown
13. Burns Your Eyes
Y ya podéis escuchar el primer single "New Tradition" aquí
[quote:22kfsldb]"We're very excited about the new DARK NEW DAY release," proclaims guitarist Clint Lowery. "It seems the time is right to make these songs public and share with the fans that continue to support this project. We believe this music is still very valid and powerful today, and think its mandatory we give these songs a fair chance out in the music world. We owe it to ourselves and the DARK NEW DAY fans. 'New Tradition' sums up the mindset we were in writing the follow-up to 'Twelve Year Silence'." [/quote:22kfsldb]
Por si fuera poco Clint Lowery y Morgan Rose de Sevendust también han montado otro proyecto nuevo llamado Call Me No One y empezarán a grabar el mes que viene para tener el disco listo a finales de la primavera.
Ah, y en verano Sevendust empiezan a componer nuevo disco que planean sacar a principios de 2013
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