Pues parece que ha dejado Kyuss lives!
Además ha tratado de explicar el incidente que pasó en su casa...
“Umm, yes… and no. Hopefully no. But yeah, you know there’s some… the thing with that is… It’s a really bad scene, because I uh… Basically it comes down to, I can’t talk too much about it because I have a court date coming up next month.
You can ask my lawyer…. He’ll tell ya. I have a really good lawyer and he’s taking great care of me. The thing is that I screwed up because I didn’t… When the police came to my house, which nobody in my house called, a friend of ours came over and we didn’t open the door for her. And she called the police — which is absurd.
So it’s a bad scene right now, it’s a bad scene, and I don’t even know how I’m supposed to say that… But basically at the end of the day I screwed up cause I didn’t open the door. I was like ‘I’m not going to open, I don’t have to open the door.’ I didn’t think you have to open the door… (laughs) You have to open the door. A robot came and knocked down my door. (laughs)
And I don’t mean to laugh because it was a bad scene but uhh, I just look at it like I pay a lot of rent. I want to be the king of my castle man, I want to be the king of my castle. I want to have the final say like when I come in and when I can go and who comes in and who doesn’t.”
Parece que menos las Pussy Riot todos los músicos están librándose de sus rifirrafes con la justicia
Nick Oliveri ha evitado la cárcel declarándose culpable de posesión de cocaína a cambio de los otros seis cargos que le imputaban. A cambio estará 36 meses a prueba, tendrá que apuntarse a un curso de 52 semanas para controlar su carácter y se verá obligado a realizar 200 de servicio comunitario
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