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News: Anneke deja The Gathering
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06/06/2007 - 04:34
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Anneke van Giersbergen ha dejado The Gathering tras 13 años, la cantante ha hecho las siguientes declaraciones:

[quote:2s8jvuax]"Dear people, I wanted to send out this message to all of you to inform you that I have decided to leave THE GATHERING.

After much consideration and some serious soul searching, I feel that it is time for me to change my direction in life and develop and search out new goals.

In all the wonderful years that I have been a part of THE GATHERING, we, as a band, have always strongly believed in sincerity, both personally and within our music. I have always been able to give one hundred percent of myself to the band and its music. Over the last year I developed an urge to initiate my activities from a different place in my heart, focusing on myself and my family.

In order to stay true to myself, the band, crew and the fans, I see no other option than to leave the band and pursue my new goals in life and music.

I loved my 13 years with THE GATHERING and I take pride in all the beautiful music we have made together and will always cherish the good times we shared on the road and in the studio. The decision to leave all of this behind has been incredibly difficult, but since it's made from the heart, I strongly believe that I have to go with it. Although it saddens me to say goodbye, I have made a lot of exciting plans for the future both personally and professionally.

Thank you for all the love and support and I hope we will meet again in life and music."[/quote:2s8jvuax]

El grupo ha hecho una declaración oficial en su web:

[quote:2s8jvuax]"We are very sorry to announce the fact that Anneke has decided to leave the band [effective] August 2007. Anneke has several reasons not to be a member anymore. We really regret the fact we could not find a way to continue together. However, we (THE GATHERING) will be working on new material with male and female vocalists. Expect a CD release somewhere in 2008.

With Anneke we've made great albums and did fantastic shows, which we are very proud of! We had a great time! We wish Anneke all the best for the future.

The remaining festivals we will play together with Anneke. No new gigs will be scheduled. The last gig with Anneke will be the Ankkarock Festival in Finland, the 4th of August. Also the new DVD, 'A Noise Severe', as well as the double live CD will still be released this summer."[/quote:2s8jvuax]

Pero los fans de Anneke pueden estar enhorabuena, ya tiene nuevo grupo y se llama Agua de Annique (parece un perfume):

[quote:2s8jvuax]"Over the last 10 years I have turned many dreams and experiences into songs. I started recording a selection of the very personal ones during the past six months. We've laid down the basic tracks at the Waterfront Studios in Rotterdam and recorded overdubs at The Void in Eindhoven, as well as in the comfort of my own home studio. I'm excited to send these songs off into the world and share them with [everyone]!

I have formed a band called AGUA DE ANNIQUE to help me voice these songs. We will release an album called 'Air' in the fall of 2007.

Besides the wonderfully talented people in the band, a few of my friends will make appearances on this album. The lovely Kristin Fjellseth will sing additional vocals, Jeffrey Fayman has made a string arrangement for a song called 'Ice Water'. Heleen de Witte plays the flute and Timothy Conroy provided some killer trumpet work. The album is mixed by Jon Anders Narum."[/quote:2s8jvuax]


Anneke van Giersbergen - Voz/Piano
Joris Dirks - Guitarra/Voz
Jacques de Haard - Bajo
Rob Snijders - Batería

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