Lou Reed ha pasado por el quirófano para un transplante de hígado, según su mujer la cosa era seria...
...œIt's as serious as it gets. He was dying. You don't get it for fun,... Anderson explained. ...œI don't think he'll ever totally recover from this, but he'll certainly be back to doing [things] in a few months. He's already working and doing t'ai chi. I'm very happy. It's a new life for him....
El líder de la Velvet lo ha comentado en facebook, seguramente todavía bajo los efectos de la anestesia...
...œI am a triumph of modern medicine, physics and chemistry. I am bigger and stronger than stronger than ever. My Chen Taiji and health regimen has served me well all of these years, thanks to Master Ren Guang-yi. I look forward to being on stage performing, and writing more songs to connect with your hearts and spirits and the universe well into the future....
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