Mike McCready habló de su lucha contra la enfermedad de Crohn que lleva sufriendo desde hace 25 años, una desorden autoinmune que provoca la inflamación del tracto intestinal provocando dolores abdominales y diarrea.
McCready revealed "[It first started] when I was 21 years old. At first I thought it was food poisoning, but then there was a bunch of blood and mucus ...” and it kept happening for months."
McCready no sabía al principio lo que tenía, aunque sabía que algo no iba bien.
He explained, "There's a level of anxiety and depression with that, along with shame, anger and fear. Sometimes you might [just go], and you can't do anything about it, because it's completely painful, and you have to go in two to three seconds . . . it can be quite damaging in terms of going out in public or going on a date."
McCready admitió que ha sufrido algunos accidentes estando en el escenario con Pearl Jam debido a la enfermedad pero sus compañeros le han ayudado mucho tanto con su enfermedad como con su adicción a las drogas
"The band has stuck by me in those situations a hundred times. Stone [Gossard, guitarist] specifically has definitely kind of got me...I'm glad that I'm still in the band, I'm glad that I'm still alive in all these kind of situations, and Stone has been integral in keeping me in this thing, and as I think everybody else has been that way too, so I feel very positive to be in it. It is a close, cohesive unit when it comes to that."
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