Ya se puede encargar y descargase un sampler de 6 temas, aunque creo que está caido ahora mismo
[quote:2lpd8e3b]For the last fourteen months Atticus and I have been hard at work on David Fincher's "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo". We laughed, we cried, we lost our minds and in the process made some of the most beautiful and disturbing music of our careers. The result is a sprawling three-hour opus that I am happy to announce is available for pre-order right now for as low as $11.99. The full release will be available in one week - December 9th.
You have two options right now:
Vsit iTunes here[/url:2lpd8e3b where you can immediately download Karen O's and our version of Led Zepplin's "Immigrant Song" when you pre-order the soundtrack for $11.99.
You will also be able to exclusively watch the legendary 8-minute trailer you may have heard about (no purchase necessary obviously). We scored this trailer separately from the film, BTW.
Visit our store here[/url:2lpd8e3b. We're offering a variety of purchasing options including multiple format high-quality digital files, CDs and a really nice limited edition deluxe package containing vinyl and a flash drive.
In addition, RIGHT NOW[/url:2lpd8e3b you can download a six-track, 35 minute sampler with no purchase necessary.
Live the dream and visit both! Atticus and I are very proud of the film and our work, we hope you enjoy.
TR [/quote:2lpd8e3b]


[quote="subpop":3ag7z3hw]Ya se puede encargar y descargase un sampler de 6 temas, aunque creo que está caido ahora mismo
[quote:3ag7z3hw]For the last fourteen months Atticus and I have been hard at work on David Fincher's "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo". We laughed, we cried, we lost our minds and in the process made some of the most beautiful and disturbing music of our careers. The result is a sprawling three-hour opus that I am happy to announce is available for pre-order right now for as low as $11.99. The full release will be available in one week - December 9th.
You have two options right now:
Vsit iTunes here[/url:3ag7z3hw where you can immediately download Karen O's and our version of Led Zepplin's "Immigrant Song" when you pre-order the soundtrack for $11.99.
You will also be able to exclusively watch the legendary 8-minute trailer you may have heard about (no purchase necessary obviously). We scored this trailer separately from the film, BTW.
Visit our store here[/url:3ag7z3hw. We're offering a variety of purchasing options including multiple format high-quality digital files, CDs and a really nice limited edition deluxe package containing vinyl and a flash drive.
In addition, RIGHT NOW[/url:3ag7z3hw you can download a six-track, 35 minute sampler with no purchase necessary.
Live the dream and visit both! Atticus and I are very proud of the film and our work, we hope you enjoy.
TR [/quote:3ag7z3hw][/quote:3ag7z3hw]
no sé vosotros pero a mi la página me da error y no hay manera de bajar nadaaaaaa
[quote="SoundDestruct":3altf9rq]Immigrant song entera:
¿Para qué perder el tiempo escuchando este truñaco que poco aporta al original de LEd Zeppelin? Una vez para comparar y basta.
Con versiones así poco curradas lo mismo te sacas una banda sonora de 6 discos que de 20.


[quote="gazzhead":36x0kh2p][quote="SoundDestruct":36x0kh2p]Immigrant song entera:
¿Para qué perder el tiempo escuchando este truñaco que poco aporta al original de LEd Zeppelin? Una vez para comparar y basta.
Con versiones así poco curradas lo mismo te sacas una banda sonora de 6 discos que de 20.[/quote:36x0kh2p]
opino parecido pero no están mal las versiones así para no acabar saturado de los originales q tenemos escuchados millones de veces.
El tracklist del disco:
'Immigrant Song'
'She Reminds Me of You'
'People Lie All the Time'
'Pinned and Mounted'
'What If We Could?'
'With the Flies'
'Hidden in Snow'
'A Thousand Details'
'One Particular Moment'
'I Can't Take It Anymore'
'How Brittle the Bones'
'Please Take Your Hand Away'
'Cut Into Pieces'
'The Splinter'
'An Itch'
'Under the Midnight Sun'
'You're Here'
'The Same as the Others'
'A Pause for Reflection'
'While Waiting'
'The Seconds Drag'
'Later Into the Night'
'Parallel Timeline With Alternate Outcome'
'Another Way of Caring'
'A Viable Construct'
'Revealed in the Thaw'
'We Could Wait Forever'
'Great Bird of Prey'
'The Heretics'
'A Pair of Doves'
'The Sound of Forgetting'
'Of Secrets'
'Is Your Love Strong Enough?'
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