Claro, que también es April Fool's Day, ves a saber..
Fred Durst ha sacado el hacha y podría haberse cargado (del grupo) a DJ Lethal y a John Otto
In a series of tweets from March 30, DJ Lethal wrote, "So far the only news I've heard is that Fred has plans for a 'new' LIMP BIZKIT which doesn't include John Otto or I. I'm hoping for the best.
"From what I understand, Fred doesn't approve of our lifestyle which includes partying and fun. I don't want to cause drama. It's unfair.
"I've tried to reach out and make things better. But Fred seems to have made up his mind. Bands fight and argue all the time. [I] just don't get it.
"This is not an April Fool's joke, unfortunately.
"I love being in LIMP; it's been my life for 15 years. A lot of good people and good times.
"I'm not going to whine about it. I just had to vent because it's pretty sad. And had to address all the fans that a going to a 1/2 BIZKIT show."
Wes borland siente que se haya hecho público todo el asunto..
“We are seriously trying our best to help John and Lethal, but this whole thing was something that should have stayed internal. Lee should not have made this a public affair and you (the fans) should not have ever had to deal with something so personal and damaging.
Making this public has caused way more damage than was necessary and now weÂ’re faced with an even harder situation than before. You (our supporters and friends) do not have the information needed to form valid opinions on the situation and we canÂ’t give it to youÂ…. because youÂ’d have to have lived through it in order to understand.
That being said, LB is still a functioning unit and we have no plans to stop moving forward. Our intentions have never been to try and divide our fans. Our only intention has been to move ahead with the parts of the band that can function together. All that being said, we are trying our hardest to make the best out of this situation.
And none of this has been Fred‘s decision alone. It’s been between Sam, Fred, and I and has been an ever evolving situation. So please get off Fred’s back about it, because we are together in this. And once again, I’m sorry for you that this was ever made public. If it hadn’t of been, you may never have even known about it. Unfortunate.”
DJ Lethal se ha cansado y ha venido a hacer lo equivalente a cagarse en la mesa del jefe antes de irse
...œI actually am so over it. It's not funny. Good luck. I wish you guys the best. In life never sacrifice your dignity for a $. I was successful before lb and will continue to live my life on my terms. Thanks all the fans! Truth hurts. Wes quit how many times? When I had 10 guys sleeping in my living room and begged the band to bring Wes back.
Also they never even had the courtesy to sit down face to face and talk things out. And after 17 years of being me there's a problem? I never missed one show,was there through thick and thin. Gave my heart and soul to the band. I'm just man enough to stand up for myself. Don't get it twisted the truth will prevail!! I'm just intrigued how some people can just disown family Lots more to the story my friends.
How can people expect me to life my life waiting on fred durst? He takes all the credit. Steals money. I made ...œwhy try... and ...œbring it back... Thank you for all the people that supported me on lb. at one time it was a band. We were team. Then it became the fred first show. And since the guys were running low on money Wes told me to hold on my feelings so he can pay his mortgage. So sad.
Fred durst got paid 1.6 million $ for the ...œfree napster tour... free my ass.I paid out of my own pocket to do that tour. ?#lost? respect So all you people passing judgement on me. Go fk your self. That job will be left to GOD. Otherwise. Love and respect Ok. I've moved on. Please feel free to unfollow if you want. I'm a genuine honest person. At this point in my life I'm living it ...œMY WAY...I was totally chillin until Wes had to open his mouth talking down to fans about a twittation a fan made,so rude. And after 17 years at least sitting down and talking face to face like real men didn't happen. That's some pussy ass shit.It's all abt the $
I do appreciate all the good times and there was many. I love my friends and fans and owe my life to you. Thank you to my real friends-YOU Last comment. Fake friends suck. We been through so much and I was genuine. Whole new meaning to ...œcounterfeit... You should be ashamed.I'm not going to put these guys down. At one time they were cool and things were great. I'm not on a hate mission. $ makes people desperate A real man looks another man in the eyes and confronts the the issues. Obviously fred didn't have the balls to look me in the eyes and talk.
Thanks for the support,I couldn't fake the funk anymore. Stay true to your heart no matter what and never let anyone tell u how to live...
...œI didn't start the battle.I did vent once or twice.Its kind of a big deal in My life like a wife you divorce after 20 years that cheated I'm gonna throw up. I already moved on til Wes made that statement Even though he got fired before they came to my house and quit 2 times....
Bueno, pues resulta que DJ Lethal vuelve a ser miembro de Limp Bizkit
...œI want to clear the air about limp bizkit.I have had some personal issues over the last few years that have led to some outbursts. I lot of the things I said about the band and fred was out of pain and anger. None of which I really meant deep down inside. So I think I owe it to fred,Wes,sam and john and the fans to really admit the truth. I had some problems. Be it partying on the road. Talking shit when I was drunk and causing internal conflicts. Today is the day that I can finally be a man and step up and say I'm sorry
The rants are done. And were really embarrassing. I think the guys in the band were actually looking out,I really needed a wake up call. So to finally come clean is really hard but the weight of the world on my shoulders is even harder to carry around. I'm in a great place now and want to thank everyone who had my back through the dark times. So to all the fans and the band. I really was fkd up for a while. I'm sorry. Fred and the band are great people. We're all human. All love!!
Feels great to finally step up to the plate. I hope we can resolve our issues because I miss my friends and band mates. FC Ty for his help. The guys in our band are true gentlemen. Giving me a second chance after the stupid shit I talked and the way I acted really shows class.LBF Now it's time to step up to the plate and I'm hitting this ball out of the park. I was wondering how it would To be back. AMAZING!grateful...
Eso fue de la semana pasada. Wes Borland lo enlazaba desde su twitter. Pero no me quedó claro que fuera verdad.
Más que nada porque Wes Borland es un tarado con un sentido del humor... "especial".
El resto de componentes no comentaban nada ni había comunicado oficial.
A saber. Tampoco es que fuera vital en la banda. De hecho, vital solo es Borland, visto el "results may vary"
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