Jon Spencer Blues Explosion editarán en septiembre "Meat And Bone", el primer disco en estudio en 8 años. Este es el tracklist del disco:
01 ...œBlack Mold...
02 ...œBag Of Bones...
03 ...œBoot Cut...
04 ...œGet Your Pants Off...
05 ...œIce Cream Killer...
06 ...œStrange Baby...
07 ...œBottle Baby...
08 ...œDanger...
09 ...œBlack Thoughts...
10 ...œUnclear...
11 ...œBear Trap...
12 ...œZimgar...
...œWe still have that psychic glue that allows us to create music together. Over the course of a year touring and writing new songs and recording, we rediscovered our shared history as a band. We circled the wagons, and went back to our roots. In a way this is almost like another first album....
Y aquí podéis escuchar el tema que abre el disco...