Josh Homme files lawsuit against members of Kyuss Lives!
Singer and Scott Reeder 'regretfully' take action against old bandmates
Josh Homme has filed a lawsuit against the members of Kyuss Lives!, the reunited incarnation of his old band Kyuss.
The Queens Of The Stone Age frontman and former Kyuss member Scott Reeder allege that Kyuss Lives! duo John Garcia and Brant Bjork have committed "trademark infringement, misrepresentation [and] false designation".
Homme was the original guitarist in Kyuss until their split in 1995, but did not take part in the band's reunion tour last year. Garcia had previously claimed that he and Bjork were planning on making another studio album under the Kyuss Lives! moniker, but Antiquiet now reports that they face legal action from Home and Reeder.
"Kyuss partnership members Scott Reeder and Joshua Homme have regretfully had to file a federal lawsuit against John Garcia and Brant Bjork AKA Kyuss Lives!," said the pair in a statement. "The suit alleges trademark infringement, misrepresentation, false designation, etc.
"It sucks. To think we went to a meeting in January solely to help them with their request to continue Kyuss Lives! With open arms, we made every attempt to help them continue Kyuss Lives! respectfully. Only to discover that while they looked us in the eye, Kyuss Lives! management and band had filed federal documents in 2011 in an attempt to steal the name Kyuss."
They went on to add:
This is desperately what we were trying to avoid. It's a sad day for us and for John – but most of all for the fans. What a needless mess.
In December 2010, Garcia claimed that he had not asked Homme to be a part of the reunion as he was too busy. "He [Homme] has Them Crooked Vultures, Queens Of The Stone Age," he said. "He's a father, a businessman and even if we asked him to do it I don't think he'd say yes, so I don't want to set myself up for a big fat no which is 99.9 per cent what he would say."
Scott Reeder comentó en su facebook al respecto:
“Maaaaaaan, I’ve been called every foul name in the book, and all I did was make a choice to stand up to defend and retain small rights that I should be able to keep sacred and unhindered for the rest of my life and beyond. I didn’t have much of a choice: lose all of the rights in two weeks, or keep them forever. I didn’t choose to be in this situation at all — I was forced to react very quickly with a looming deadline, and it’s been rough. I saw people bitterly divided over this stupid stuff… crazy. But the overwhelming support from friends and family was very much appreciated and needed. Thank you.”
Me pregunto que tendrán las leyes americanas que les han obligado a actuar así, eso de "si no hacíamos algo en dos semanas perdíamos los derechos" es extraño..
John García y Brant Bjork dicen estar muy apenados y que los trapos sucios deberían lavarse en casa...¦
In a statement released earlier today, Garcia and Bjork said, "We are both shocked and saddened that our friend and onetime bandmate has chosen to file a lawsuit against us, especially after having positive discussions since our reformation. We look forward to resolving this private matter behind closed doors and moving forward with work on our new album and connecting with our amazing, loyal fans."
Aquí tenéis una copia de la demanda


subpop said:
Aquí tenéis una copia de la demanda
a saber si esto es real al 100%, parece ser que sí... pero nunca se sabe.
El juez se ha pronunciado y permitirá usar el nombre de Kyuss lives solo en directo
...œThe Court will issue a preliminary injunction prohibiting Defendants from using the Kyuss Mark in any capacity unless the word ...˜Lives' follows the word ...˜Kyuss' in equally-prominent lettering,... reads the verdict. ...œThe Court will issue a preliminary injunction prohibiting Defendants from using the Kyuss Lives Mark in conjunction with any studio album, live album, or other audio recording. The Motion is denied, however, with respect to Plaintiffs' request that Defendants be enjoined from using the Kyuss Lives Mark in conjunction with concerts and live performances....
subpop dijo
El juez se ha pronunciado y permitirá usar el nombre de Kyuss lives solo en directo
...œThe Court will issue a preliminary injunction prohibiting Defendants from using the Kyuss Mark in any capacity unless the word ...˜Lives' follows the word ...˜Kyuss' in equally-prominent lettering,... reads the verdict. ...œThe Court will issue a preliminary injunction prohibiting Defendants from using the Kyuss Lives Mark in conjunction with any studio album, live album, or other audio recording. The Motion is denied, however, with respect to Plaintiffs' request that Defendants be enjoined from using the Kyuss Lives Mark in conjunction with concerts and live performances....
Muy bien por el juez, decisión salomónica.


moraleja... y ya veréis: Kyuss Lives! han ascado pasta de los conciertos, no sé si podrán sacar el disco en directo que tenían planeado pero lo que es seguro es que el material que tenían para un discoi en estudio irá a parar al disco en "solitario" de John Garcia: Garcia Vs. Garcia.
Ay.. las leyes!
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