[quote:19472ia6][b:19472ia6]Iggy Pop slams Smashing Pumpkins and Limp Bizkit [/b:19472ia6]
Singer names 'crappy music' makers - video
Iggy Pop has expanded on comments he made about the current state of rock music, singling out and Limp Bizkit for criticism.
On a recent YouTube video to promote his new jazz-influenced album, 'Preliminaires' (watch it by clicking below), he railed against "crappy music" by "idiot thugs with guitars".
Now the singer has revealed some of the acts he was referring to.
"Anyone from Smashing Pumpkins to – what's the one with Fred Durst?" he said in an interview with The Sun's Something For The Weekend section, referring to Limp Bizkit.
"There are a million billion of them," he added, "and people think they're gods, man."
He added that the video message he released was unscripted.
"I took great pains not to think first," he said, "because the thing I can't stand is a rock star who thinks he's got brains. They're always so damned dull!"[/quote:19472ia6]
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