ya hacia tiempo q no posteabamos nada sobre el tema. La cosa cada vez esta mas cerca pero se esta haciendo tan largo q, ya a ultima hora, los dias parecen meses.
Las ultimas noticias parecen evidenciar q el disco esta a punto. Terminandose de mezclar o incluso ya mezclado. Pero las ultimas noticias vienen del blog de un tipo q tiene un programa de radio en usa q ha hecho una serie de capitulos dedicado a los nuevos guns y la pasada gira 2006. Esto es lo q comenta en su blog.
GN'R mentions on Eddie Trunk's blog
3/28/07: Just back from a jammed packed 4 days in LA.
Here's a run down of my time in LA, some real cool stuff:
Flew out Saturday night only to find Bumblefoots wife in the seat behind me. G&R was rehearing in LA for a Japanese tour and she was flying out to see him. We landed and Bumble was nice enough to offer a lift to my hotel. He said the record is close to coming out soon.
Tuesday night Gilby Clarke took me to the Lakers game in a way to small for me sports car! Never went to Staples before, what a nice building. Lakers lost a bad one to Memphis. Gilby has great seats and VIP parking by a valet, it was awesome. Jack was a few rows away! Thanks Gilby, Laker tix are not easy to get or cheap and I appreciate it. Gilby is doing some Canadian solo dates, check him out. Then Bumblefoot called from G&R rehearsal and invited me to come see the band rehearse. So Gilby drove me to the G&R rehersal studio where I met all the guys in the band and listened to them play their set. I have not really heard this lineup of the band and they did sound great. New drummer Frank kicks ass (and he lives in NJ) and all 3 guitarists played so well together. What really sounded great were the many new songs they played. It feels like this album may finally come out soon. All the guys were super cool and it was great to meet them and talk music. Thanks to Bumble for the invite and the ride back to my hotel after.
Sobre todo lo q me motiva, mas q lo de q el disco ya esta cerca, pq eso lleva pasando años, es lo del setlist. muchos temas nuevos, aunq no se si se refiere a temas nuevos del chinese, osea nuevos para guns, o temas nuevos para q lo q venia siendo el setlist de la pasada gira.
En fin, q ganas joder.
si, acabo de levantarme con la noticia. toy en busqueda a ver si lo localizo. Tiene pinta de ser como el ultimo leak de better, con una calidad bte buena.
Edito: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYpceX4ZV7o
On Thursday, March 29 at approximately 7:00 p.m. EST, a full-length, studio-quality version of the GUNS N' ROSES song "Madagascar" was leaked onto the Internet.
The track, clocking in at 5:41, was released as the result of some "cunning" work by a well-known forum member.
Many fans initially speculated that the track was a fake. However this theory was dispelled by GN'R guitarist Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal who revealed that the recording was "not an album cut, but an old demo."
"Madagascar", which GUNS N' ROSES premiered at the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards, is expected to appear on the band's long-overdue new CD, "Chinese Democracy".
"Chinese Democracy" is the first GUNS N' ROSES album since the 1993 covers collection "The Spaghetti Incident". In the ensuing decade, the group has lost every original member besides singer Axl Rose and burned through a reported $13 million in recording expenses.
Longtime GUNS N' ROSES associate Del James revealed in a recent online posting that "Chinese Democracy" is currently in the "mixing" stage.
GUNS N' ROSES will headline South Africa's My Coke Festival in Johannesburg on April 27 and Cape Town on May 1. The band will also perform in Japan, Thailand, South Africa, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand.
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