Ya sabemos por quien se van a pegar los festivales el año que viene..
En el vídeo se puede oír su nuevo tema "That's Why God Made The Radio"
Su nuevo disco saldrá en junio y harán una gira mundial para celebrar su 50 aniversario (el del grupo, por supuesto)
"It's a sentimental thing for me," says Brian Wilson in the clip which you can watch below. "We've been together 50 years – that's a long time." Mike Love adds: "Conceptually, the album is not going to be anything outlandish or silly, like 'Smiley Smile'. It will be like the Beach Boys circa '65. I'm trying to write lyrics that fit the music without making it sound like you're writing from a hospice."
Speaking to Billboard yesterday, Brian Johnston said: "There's a lot of what you'd hope to hear from Brian [Wilson] on there. It's not a quilt or a pot luck dinner, it's not like, 'OK, everybody show up with your songs.' It's not one of those kind of albums."
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