El proyecto black metalero de Thurston Moore|GENERAL|Foro|SubNoise.es

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El proyecto black metalero de Thurston Moore
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31/07/2012 - 08:30
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El guitarra y cantante de Sonic Youth ha montado un grupo llamado Twilight con miembros de Nachtmystium, Isis y The Atlas Moth. el grupo ha fichado recientemente con Century Media y espera reeditar su álbum de debut en los próximos meses

This next question goes back to Twilight. I've read that you guys were trying to put together another record.
BJ: Yeah. We are.

How is that process going? At one point there was talk of Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth) might be working on the album.
BJ: Yeah. He is in fact. I think we're booking him this week. He's in the band, and going to be on the record.

He's officially in the band? How did you hook up with Thurston Moore for a Twilight album?
BJ: We knew Sonic Youth already through their soundman, Jeremy Lemos. He has a band called White/Light and that's how they know him. They toured together. He's also has worked with Rob Lowe from Lichens a lot, so that's how we know these guys.

The Sonic Youth folks, whenever they were in town, would always be over at the studio, so I met them on a number of occasions recording over there and Thurston really likes our music and, uh, loves Black Metal. And now that Sonic Youth...˜s broken up, and he's essentially divorced, he's got plenty of time.
That's amazing.

BJ: Yeah. I'm really excited about that. I was a Nirvana fan when I was a kid, you know. I'm twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old now, so I grew up during that, and that's what I listened to when I was a kid. I had Sonic Youth records when I was twelve. And to now know that, not only am I having a dialogue with this person about anything, but dude's gonna join a band I started, and it's like...¦whoah. Fucking amazing, amazing feeling.

That is a perfect example of like what people ask: ...œWhat's the best thing about what you do?... You know, most people expect the answer to be traveling, sex, money. No, man. The thing that makes me feel like I'm rich it's the experience.

I've done so much shit, and worked with so many cool people, and I'll get to work with Thurston and that...¦I would...¦you know Century Media could offer us a hundred thousand dollars to make that Twilight record and say: ...œBlake, you get ninety percent of that money but Thurston Moore...˜s not gonna be on the record, or, you can be on it and we'll give you ten grand and that's what you have to make it work.... And I would, I would take the ten grand and work with Thurston. That's like how much I love Sonic Youth....

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02/08/2012 - 20:48
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Como mínimo acojona...

"We're not coming together to make music, we're joining forces to destroy all rational thought."

Me veo venir que será un ruidaco importante..

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15/01/2014 - 17:55
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16/01/2014 - 09:01
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Por lo visto será el ultimo disco... Pensaba que era un proyecto nuevo y por lo visto este es el tercer disco

Aaron Turner ya no está, la banda actualmente la componen:

Wrest (Jef Whitehead) - drums, guitar, bass, synthesizer and E-bow (Leviathan, Lurker Of Chalice)
Imperial (Neill Jameson) - vocals and bass (Krieg, N.I.L.)
Sanford Parker - guitars, synths, production (Minsk, Nachtmystium, Buried At Sea)
Stavros Giannopolous - guitars (The Atlas Moth)
Thurston Moore - guitar (Sonic Youth, Chelsea Light Moving)

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