¿Dónde está Jaz Coleman?|GENERAL|Foro|SubNoise.es

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¿Dónde está Jaz Coleman?
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31/07/2012 - 20:32
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O sea, que ahora que aparece Nick Stahl el que ha desaparecido es Jaz Coleman, el cantante de Killing Joke.. Si alguien lo ve que avise al grupo, que están muy preocupados por él

KILLING JOKE members Geordie Walker, Martin "Youth" Glover and Paul Ferguson have since taken to Facebook to say that they haven't heard from Coleman since the previous announcement was made.

"A statement was posted on Facebook, reputedly by our singer, maligning both THE CULT and THE MISSION and pulling us out of the shows," they wrote. "He is now AWOL and has not contacted any of his band mates.

We are deeply embarrassed by this and offer our sincere apologies to all involved.

We are all concerned about our missing singer's welfare.

KILLING JOKE made a collective decision to play with THE CULT and THE MISSION in September.

It was agreed by all of the band that we would do these shows. Indeed, we thought that they were something to look forward to, even though they were downsized.

We would still like to honour our commitment to this tour, the other bands, and all the Gatherers and people who have already bought tickets and made travel arrangements.

If this proves not possible, KILLING JOKE will make alternative arrangements to compensate for the trouble caused.

Meanwhile we are doing everything we can to make this tour happen and locate our missing singer."

http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/8731/killingjokemissing.jpgImage Enlarger

Mensajes en Foro: 47070
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13/08/2012 - 12:26
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http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/8/1/1343813804642/jaz-coleman-killing-joke-008.jpgImage Enlarger

Pues estaba de nómada por el Sahara el muy cabrón...

Killing Joke's missing frontman has been found - in the desert. A little under a fortnight after Killing Joke announced Jaz Coleman had vanished, the singer has "appeared" in the Western Sahara, explaining that he was working on a solo album, book and TV score.

"What's all the fuss about then?" Coleman said on his Facebook page. While Killing Joke were worrying about their singer, asking for any information about his condition or whereabouts, Coleman was apparently "living a nomadic existence", completing a new book. That manuscript - as well as a new solo album - could be released as soon as next week.

Coleman also commented on a Facebook post, since deleted, where he announced that Killing Joke were cancelling a tour with the Cult and the Mission. "Their songs suck!" he wrote at the time. Coleman's bandmates had backtracked on those remarks, insisting the tour should go ahead. But Coleman now claims he never wrote that post: it was an "impersonator". Still, Coleman said, "looks like this has caused a right ding dong and ...¦ it's impossible to continue this tour under the circumstances". Coleman and the band wished the Cult and the Mission "the best of luck".

Now Coleman has been found, Killing Joke have taken the opportunity to unveil a three-disc set of dub remixes, overseen by bassist Martin "Youth" Glover. The forthcoming compilation includes remixes by Nine Inch Nails and Spiral Tribe, incorporating songs from as early as 1980.

Nevertheless, there remain signs of friction within Killing Joke. On Sunday morning, just one hour before Coleman's comeback statement, Killing Joke called off a gig on 8 September "due to Jaz still not surfacing". That concert, at London's Metropolis Studios, was due to be recorded for a live DVD.

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