se me humedecen los ojos pensando en el y recordando cdo conoci a deftones y todo lo que paso despues, me pongo en el lugar del resto de miembros y bufffff
Peligro! Tras conseguir fondos para que volviera a casa desde Nueva Jersey ha acabado en cuidados intensivos a causa de una neumonía!
...œSHOUT OUT TO CHI...˜S WORLDWIDE FAMILY-PRAYER REQUEST-he just got back home last night from NJ and is in ER with SOMETHING serious going on. Pneumonia and don't know what else. Not good! Please send the word again to PRAY HARD. Thank you all! onelove...¦...
...œchi is in ICU on 3 antibiotics for pneumonia. blood pressure and oxygen are both low. please send healing.
one love for chi,
Españoles, Chi Cheng ha muerto de una parada cardíaca esta madrugada...
Our dearest Family,
This is the hardest thing to write to you. Your love and heart and devotion to Chi was unconditional and amazing. I know that you will always remember him as a giant of a man on stage with a heart for every one of you. He was taken to the emegency room and at 3 am today his heart just suddenly stopped. He left this world with me singing songs he liked in his ear.
He fought the good fight.You stood by him sending love daily. He knew that he was very loved and never alone. I will write more later. I will be going through the oneloveforchi and any other information may not be reliable. If you have any stories or messages to share please send them to the onelove site. Please hold Mae and Ming and the siblings and especially Chi's son, Gabriel in your prayers. It is so hard to let go.
With great love and ...œMuch Respect!... Mom J (and Chi)
R.I.P Deftones Bassist Chi Cheng. Very sweet and talented guy. Head injury from car accident. Everyone please wear seatbelt and live.
— Tom Morello (@tmorello) April 14, 2013
RIP Chi Cheng,
— Robb Flynn (@TheGeneralMH) April 14, 2013
RIP Chi, you will be forever missed. #ripchicheng #RIPChi #deftones
— John 5 🎸 (@john5guitarist) April 14, 2013
My friend Chi passed away. My heart goes out to his family, and to my friends in @deftones. This is indeed a sad day...
— fuck your checkmark (@CoreyTaylorRock) April 14, 2013
#RIP @deftones podband Never Forgotten 🙁 He was a cool ass dude. He's in a better place.
— Marcos Curiel (@MarcosCuriel) April 14, 2013
@deftones So incredibly heartbreaking to hear the news of Chi's passing. My thoughts are with his family, and all of you.
— Gerard Way (@gerardway) April 14, 2013
RIP chi cheng.....will be missed
— THEORY OF A DEADMAN (@TheoryMusic) April 14, 2013
RIP CHI... WE LOVE YOU MAN! @deftones
— Papa Roach (@paparoach) April 14, 2013
R.I.P. Chi Cheng #Deftones
— Lamb Of God (@lambofgod) April 14, 2013
RIP Chi Cheng and condolences to the whole @deftones family
— Godsmack (@godsmack) April 14, 2013
Just heard that Chi from the Deftones passed away. That's really sad news. I didn't really know him. But he was an awesome bass player. RIP
— Slash (@Slash) April 14, 2013
Chi was an amazing bassist & human being our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. He will be deeply missed.
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) April 14, 2013
my heart goes out to Chino & deftones & Chi's family for their loss
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) April 14, 2013
RIP Chi Cheng @deftones A tough fate & hard struggle. Condolences to his family, band,friends. A sad day to remember.
— Angela Gossow (@AGossow) April 14, 2013
We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Chi Cheng, bassist of Deftones. Rest in Peace Chi
— In Flames (@InFlames_SWE) April 14, 2013
RIP Chi. Awful news. Condolences to the Cheng family and @deftones.... from the McKagan's.
— Duff McKagan (@DuffMcKagan) April 14, 2013
We did Warped 98 & Soundwave 07 w/ Deftones ❤ to watch Chi rock out. #RIPChi #RIPChiCheng
— Jamey Jasta (@simswapperamij) April 14, 2013
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Deftones bassist Chi Cheng, our hearts go out to Chi's family, friends & fans #RIPCHI #RIPCHICHENG
— Hatebreed (@hatebreed) April 14, 2013
Another great musical talent has left this world much too young.. R.I.P. Chi Cheng
— Textures (@texturesband) April 14, 2013
...œThere are so many things I can say, and yet at this moment, none of it matters or compares to the loss everyone feels. There will be a hole in our lives where Chi once was. But that will be filled everyday with all of our love and memories we all have in our heart. He will always be here because of love. It's time we all give our love and best, and do our best to love. Especially ourselves, Chi would want that for everyone. All our healing will begin with love. I love you, Chi.
Stephen, for Deftones...œ
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