Dark New Day, el grupo formado por Clint Lowery (guitarra; SEVENDUST), Corey Lowery (bajo; ex-STEREOMUD, STUCK MOJO), Brett Hestla (voz, guitarra; ex-CREED, VIRGOS MERLOT), Will Hunt (batería; EVANESCENCE, ex-SKRAPE, TOMMY LEE) y Bradley "BC" Kochmit (guitarra; SWITCHED a.k.a. SW1TCHED), ya tinen listo su nuevo disco. Saldrá el 19 de febrero con los siguientes temas:
01. Goodbye
02. Anywhere
03. Vicious Thinking
04. Simple
05. Hail Mary
06. On My Way
07. Saddest Song
08. Dear Addy
09. Someday
10. Fiend
11. Outside
12. Give Me The World
"We in DARK NEW DAY are extremely excited that our 'lost' album is finally going to get the proper release and treatment it deserves. We're excited for fans to hear what two years of writing, struggle, and growth did for us. You'll hear a band that wasn't afraid to embrace experimentation and forge new sonic territory. You'll also hear a band at times grind out some of the darkest, heaviest, lyrically intense music of its career. This record is sonically amazing and we're very proud of it. We hope that this is just a stepping stone to another record in the very near future. Enjoy!"
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