
In the two years since their last album, The Infection, Cleveland, Ohio, bruisers Chimaira came close to breaking up, due to several lineup changes, including the loss of three longtime band members. But singer Mark Hunter and guitarists Rob Arnold and Matt DeVries stood their ground and may have actually found the perfect roster for their band with the additional of two members of tech-death outfit Daath–guitarist Emil Wrestler and keyboardist Sean Zatorsky–plus drummer Austin D’Amond.
The title track of their new album, The Age of Hell, launches an hour-long ass-kicking and therapy session in one. “Year of The Snake” and “Born in Blood” have the old-school, circa-Far Beyond Driven Pantera vibe: grooving riffs, fierce drum fills, and perfectly punctuated vocals. As for the lyrics, they are so nakedly aggressive and passionate throughout the record, you’d have to be heartless and gutless to not be drawn in. On the track “Time is Running Out,” Hunter wears his feelings with particular brazenness on his sleeve (“How much more can I take?/Swallowed by the storm”). But one of the most emotional songs doesn’t even have lyrics: “Samsara,” the six-minute Metallica-esque instrumental that closes out the album, is a perfectly moving ending to a powerful record.
Kudos must be given, as well, to Ben Schigel (Drowning Pool, Walls of Jericho) for the amazing production work on The Age of Hell, which sounds crisp and crushing at any volume. Every instrument is perfectly intertwined with the vocals, and each member is given the space to showcase their craft as individuals, as well as within the band as a whole.
If Chimaira went through Hell over the last two years, thereÂ’s no question, listening to their new album, that theyÂ’ve come back stronger. SARAH B. KOENIG
uy lo que ha dicho: "have the old-school, circa-Far Beyond Driven Pantera vibe: grooving riffs, fierce drum fills, and perfectly punctuated vocals"


si, hay veces (de siempre) que tienen un toque MH, de la época the more things change... sobre todo por el sonido guitarrero martilleante con pellizcos chillones armónicos .
El toque melódico lo iniciaron en the impossibility of reason, y se quedó ahi... y ahora tanto tiempo despues lo rescatan de nuevo,, y si, es alice in chains total


Bueno bueno, ya me va entrando mejor. No sé hasta que punto me llegará a gustar, "The Infection" me pareció terriblemente bueno y dificil de superar, estaba el listón alto. Lo que si está claro es que, este disco, como es habitual en esta banda, no se parece en nada al anterior, y eso es un punto a favor.
"Clockwork" y "Trigger Point" son de mis favoritas. "Year of the Snake" ya no la cuento, eso son palabras mayores.


diohhhgs que discazo... lo que no me cuadra es la bateria, dicen que la ha grabado Ben Schigel, el productor.... muuuuu raro, teniendo en cuenta que las demos de los temas las tenian hechas antes de la salida de andols... no me extraña que las baterias sean suyas.
-"Papá, que es el groove metal?"
-"pues,,,, -beyond the grave- de chimaira es un buen ejemplo"
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