(PR) In recent years, the tale of Blind Melon has taken a dramatic turn – from an abrupt and tragic end, to a rebirth and reconnection with their legion of fans. No matter how you slice it, the group was responsible for some of the most memorable and pure-sounding rock music of the '90s.
And with their reformation in 2007 with singer Travis Warren, Blind Melon are poised to pick up exactly where they left off a decade earlier – as evidenced by their forthcoming CD entitled For My Friends set for release on April 22, 2008.
On February 28th Blind Melon are set to embark on a five month U.S. tour, a continuation of what they built in the 90's and the beginning of what they are building for the future. "We couldn't have planned this and we certainly couldn't have forced this. It was meant to be and it was meant to be now," commented bassist Brad Smith. Guitarist Christopher Thorn adds, "We weren't waiting around for Travis to show up in our lives. But when we met Travis, we just knew Blind Melon had to reform and be a band again. We feel so lucky to have this second chance, this new beginning."
Teneis las fechas de la gira aqui, junto al resto del articulo.
(Siii, ya se q habia otro hilo q hablaba del retorno de blind melon pero por no buscarlo...)
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