[quote:3bssvasw]La noticia es realmente chocante. Blind Melon parece ser que acaban de separarse, porque su nuevo cantante Travis ha decidido seguir adelante con su carrera en solitario. Por lo visto, Travis se ha dañado las cuerdas vocales al cantar cada noche los temas de Shannon, aunque hay fans que ya han empezado a acusarle de ser un oportunista y de haber utilizado a Blind Melon para hacerse un nombre.
La madre de Shannon, Nel, ha salido en defensa de Travis y de Blind Melon, y ha enviado hoy este mensaje a los fans:
“Dear Melonheads,
This is a very difficult time for everyone. For two years we enjoyed the reunited band. Everyone has accepted the band and the name Blind Melon including myself. They all gave it their best and I personally know that the stress is always harder on the lead singer because if his voice doesn't measure up to what the fans expect, it's very painful for him. Please try to understand that if Travis's vocal chords were going bad, he had no choice, he is young and his future is music. He just couldn't sing Shannon's songs every night because his voice couldn't take it and that's all there is to it. The worst things that fans at this point can do is to be negative towards the band and Travis.
If we could all just stay positive and say a prayer for everyone involved, maybe there is a chance that things could be worked out. Think of all the bands that have broken up before and have gotten back together. It wasn't easy for me to accept Travis but I think that he was the perfect choice. The power of positive thinking is an amazing thing. If we all focus on our love for the band maybe the positive energy will help them find their way back in time.
Right now they need positive energy, without judgments and bashing, there's five of them, not one, not four, Blind Melon is a band, and Travis was a part of it.
PEACE AND LOVE”. [/quote:3bssvasw]
no me jodas, vaya putada, pena por los q no los vieron en el azkena. Pero vamos, si que me creo q se haya dañado las cuerdas vocales, pq se sobraba el pavo, para mi, excesivo el esfuerzo, demasiado intenso, quiza podria haber cantando con menos fuerza muchas cosas, en Azkena era exagerado como berreaba el tipo.
Pues nada, a joderse tocan.
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