Ahi los tenemos chavales...
AC/DC In the Studio Recording New CD with Brendan O'Brian
(antiMusic) We now have confirmation that AC/DC is definitely recording a new album. We even know who is producing and engineering the effort. This news comes from a rather unexpected source, Supersuckers frontman Eddie Spaghetti. See Eddie took to his band's website to explain what is holding up the new Supersuckers CD. Seems that AC/DC is borrowing their producer. Here is what Eddie had to say:
I'm sure you're all wondering, "where the hell is that new 'suckers record?", well rest assured it IS coming. It's just taking a little longer than we expected to get done. Our current snag is that the producer of the new record wants to make some last minute tweaks and, well, he can't right now. He's been detained by a little Australian band called, uh, AC/DC. That's right our man Billy Bowers, who did such a stellar job on our "Paid" E.P., is an engineer for Brendan O'Brian who is producing the new AC/DC record and so he's been taken away from our project temporarily. But he assures us that, as soon as he can, he will have the mixes done and that they will rock mightily so we have to just be content with that for now. In the meantime, we will be keeping busy rocking the free world and you can come and get your fix of the new material at one of our many rock shows coming up in the near future at a location near you, I'm sure.
I just thought you all should know where the new record stands right now. No one is getting any more impatient than we are, that's for sure. We can't wait for this record to hit the streets and these delays are killing us, but right now there's nothing we can do but wait. So we wait, along with you, the good people of impeccable taste who subscribe to this email list.
http://www.antimusic.com/news/08/april/ ... rian.shtml


AC/DC's 'Black Ice' Set For Release October 20th
Columbia Records announced today the October 20th release of AC/DC's widely-anticipated Black Ice, the band's first studio album in eight years. Black Ice features 15 new tracks from brothers Angus and Malcolm Young, Brian Johnson, Cliff Williams, and Phil Rudd. The album was produced by Brendan O'Brien at the Warehouse Studio in Vancouver, BC.
"Rock 'N' Roll Train," the album's first single, will debut on August 28th. The video will premiere in September. And the band is set to kick off its first world tour since 2001 in late October.


[quote="Pro-Noise":1qxd7cz4]AC/DC's 'Black Ice' Set For Release October 20th
Columbia Records announced today the October 20th release of AC/DC's widely-anticipated Black Ice, the band's first studio album in eight years. Black Ice features 15 new tracks from brothers Angus and Malcolm Young, Brian Johnson, Cliff Williams, and Phil Rudd. The album was produced by Brendan O'Brien at the Warehouse Studio in Vancouver, BC.
"Rock 'N' Roll Train," the album's first single, will debut on August 28th. The video will premiere in September. And the band is set to kick off its first world tour since 2001 in late October.
guapa la portada!
por favor gira de varias fechas x españa ya!
desde su myspace: http://www.myspace.com/acdc se puefe escuchar un tema del nuevo disco
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